Norwegian video language course | Experience all the benefits ✓

This Norwegian video language course promises to teach you Norwegian with short videos – from anywhere and at any time. Let’s take the test!

Norwegian video language course - Experience all the benefits

Fortunately, a lot has happened on the Norwegian learning app market in recent months. In addition to the classics “Learn Norwegian with Babbel”, the “Norwegian courses with long-term learning methods of 17 Minute-Languages” and the Norwegian courses from Mondly, there are now also many smaller learning apps and a Norwegian video language course.

New Norwegian video language course from Sprachenlernen24 – can also be used without prior knowledge

This video language course has been available for some time and is designed to teach learners Norwegian in several small video lessons. The course does not need to be installed and can therefore be used from anywhere via PC, laptop or cell phone. However, to conserve your mobile data volume, we recommend using it wherever you have W-LAN.

My readers have tested the Norwegian video language course extensively. You can find Isi and Jessica’s experiences at the end of the article.

This is what the provider promises with its Norwegian video language course:

This is what you will be able to do after a few weeks with the help of the language course:

  • Leisure: You will be able to watch Norwegian movies and read Norwegian books as if Norwegian was your native language.
  • Travel: When you travel to Norway or meet Norwegian people, you will be able to communicate effortlessly and have stimulating conversations.
  • Professionally: You will be able to score points with future employers: Being fluent and business fluent in Norwegian will improve your job prospects.
  • Relationships: Your Norwegian language skills will help you make new relationships and friendships outside your usual environment.
  • Mental health: Learning foreign languages improves your quality of life and has been proven to help prevent diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The most important things at a glance

  • The language course will enable you to speak Norwegian fluently within a few months.
  • You will learn over 4000 Norwegian words.
  • You choose how many minutes you want to learn per day.
  • With just 10 minutes per day, you will learn 250 new words per month.
  • The video language course works online and on any mobile device, system-independent for all Windows, Linux or Mac versions: Whether computer, tablet or smartphone.

Test the Norwegian video language course without risk.


How does the Norwegian video language course work?

The video language course is based on the latest scientific findings on the subject of foreign language learning. All Norwegian words are spoken by professional Norwegian speakers. In this way, you learn to emphasize the words correctly and pronounce them without an accent right from the start.

How exactly does it work? The method is based on three steps. First, the German word is spoken aloud. Then you hear the Norwegian word twice. In the third step, you repeat the Norwegian word once. In addition, the new words are not only spoken aloud. For each word you also see a corresponding picture of the new vocabulary. This makes it even easier to remember the new vocabulary.

Norwegian video language course - Fjord in Norway 1

The video long-term learning method focuses on long-term memory: new words should not only be learned in the short term, but permanently. Each new vocabulary word is repeatedly tested according to a fixed rhythm. The video long-term learning method distinguishes between two phases.

In the first phase, the new words are repeated according to the following rhythm:

  • the following day
  • after an interruption of two days
  • after a break of four days

However, the second phase is required to store the vocabulary in long-term memory. Here the word is repeated a further five times:

  • the following day
  • after an interruption of two days
  • after an interruption of four days
  • after an interruption of eight days
  • and for the last time after a break of 16 days.

If you repeat the Norwegian words regularly using this method, the new vocabulary will be stored in your long-term memory – you will be able to remember the new words for the rest of your life.

The Superlearning music

Superlearning music was developed to improve your attention and learning ability and to support you in your learning process. The music is based on the so-called “binaural beats” technology, which helps you to memorize new words better in the long term. This has even been scientifically tested:

500 test subjects have been tested and have come to the following conclusion: the superlearning music helps the people tested to learn the new words faster (32.9% faster than without superlearning music) and to concentrate for longer (the test subjects learn 63.7% longer with the superlearning music than test subjects without music)

Of course, you don’t have to use the superlearning music – it can be turned off and on again at any time.

Test now without obligation!

Test the Norwegian video language course from Sprachenlernen24 at no risk.


Below are two test reports from my readers on the Norwegian video language course from:

Detailed review by Isi :

This year I’m finally going on vacation to Norway! I want to spend three weeks in the summer traveling through southern Norway by bus. The bus is already being fitted out in every spare minute, a packing list is being written and so I’m still missing the language. Of course, I know that Norwegians, like all Scandinavians, speak English very well, but I have found that it is much easier to get in touch with the locals if you can at least speak a few words in the local language. That’s why my resolution for this year was to learn Norwegian.

It was important to me that I really learn the spoken language. No school vocabulary that you can never use anyway. I also wanted to learn the correct pronunciation straight away. Norwegian sounds really complicated! It was also important to me that I could learn it as flexibly as possible, so definitely not a course with fixed dates (I still have to finish the bus!). So I opted for the online video language course from Sprachenlernen24.

No sooner said than done: ordering is really easy. You order via the Sprachenlernen24 website, enter your details, pay and you receive an email. You can then log in directly and get started.

I decide whether I want to do an exercise lasting three, five, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes, depending on my mood and, above all, how much time I have.

The exercises are structured in such a way that a German word is displayed visually (with a picture) and read aloud at the same time. Then both the German and the Norwegian word are displayed. The Norwegian vocabulary is then read out twice and you are asked to repeat it. If you want, you can switch on learning music (only works for me with headphones), which is supposed to help you learn 32.9% faster (this really works! I can simply concentrate better with classical music). Then it’s like using a vocabulary box in the past, the vocabulary is presented several times at the beginning and then repeated regularly (the next day, the day after next, in four days, in eight days, etc.).

Unfortunately, I’m disappointed with the accompanying app. It doesn’t really do anything for me. Either only the learning music works, but then the vocabulary is not read out or the vocabulary is read out but the music cannot be switched on. There is still a lot of room for improvement here. It would also be an advantage in future if you could download the exercises via Wi-Fi so that you don’t use up your mobile data when you’re away from home.

I would also like the app to have an automatic screen lock function so that the phone does not go into sleep mode. It is also a bit annoying that tips are often displayed both in the app and online during the exercises, e.g. that you learn better with music etc. This is distracting. This is distracting. I would find it more useful if you were shown the phonetic spelling of the Norwegian word, as I am sometimes a little unsure how to pronounce similar-sounding letters correctly.

As I have no previous experience of the Norwegian language, I am also an absolute beginner when it comes to grammar. You can read about this on the Sprachenlernen24 website. I’m still in the process of reading them and haven’t finished all the chapters yet. They are well structured, but for 50 euros I would expect them to be taught in a video course or incorporated into the exercises.

On a positive note, you really learn words that you can actually use when traveling. You are also taught the correct pronunciation. I think the flexibility is great, I can learn a language anywhere with my cell phone. Ok, I have to admit that I don’t speak the vocabulary out loud on the train or bus when I’m driving to work or back. It certainly takes me a little longer to memorize the vocabulary, but it’s easy on the nerves of those around me… And so I use the language course whenever and wherever I have time.

My conclusion after three weeks is: for people who already have a basic knowledge of Norwegian, I can highly recommend this online video language course! Perhaps a beginner’s course at a VHS or university is enough to learn the basics of grammar. But then learning vocabulary with the language course is really much more enjoyable than it used to be at school. You also internalize it faster with the help of music and have learned the pronunciation at the same time. I still have some vocabulary to learn before my vacation in Norway and I also want to become more confident with my grammar. The online video language course is helping me with this. I also have the best motivation for learning a language: the anticipation of a trip to a beautiful country.


Test the Norwegian video language course without risk.


Norwegian video language course

Detailed review by Jessica :

My name is Jessica and the reason I want to learn Norwegian is that my family and I often go on vacation to Norway and I want to be able to at least have a little conversation with the landlords and recognize the food and prices in the supermarket. During my research for a course, I came across the “video course” from Sprachenlernen24 and I have now been testing it for two weeks.

I noticed the following positive things:

– Although I’m not a language genius at all, I learned the new vocabulary very quickly because it stays in my head easily due to the constant repetition.
– Even with just a few minutes a day, you quickly build up a good vocabulary. I’ve been learning for two weeks, only about 10 minutes a day, and have now learned 250 words. I think if I studied for a few minutes more, my vocabulary would be a lot bigger.
– Unlike self-study with a book, the vocabulary is also read out loud, which is very important with this language, as the pronunciation is sometimes very different to the written word. For example, the word “I” is called “jeg” in Norwegian, but it is pronounced like “jai”.

– You learn words from many different areas, e.g. numbers, food, times, personal pronouns, “vacation terms” (book a room, half board, fully booked, hotel,…), etc.

The following points did not meet my expectations:

– The vocabulary is repeated according to a certain pattern and is then, according to the provider, in long-term memory. However, there is never a query as to whether you really knew the word. The danger is therefore that the word is no longer repeated at some point, even though you don’t even know it yet. To be honest, however, I have to say that I knew almost all the words after a few repetitions.

– The term “video course” sounded to me as if you were learning conversational situations from videos and learning the vocabulary in sentences. Instead, it’s just a vocabulary trainer. Unfortunately, I don’t know where the term “video course” comes from.

– As already written above, you only learn individual words. The conjugation of verbs, for example, is not covered at all. So despite the vocabulary that you quickly build up, you are not able to have a conversation because you don’t know how the words are used.

– For some words there are two Norwegian terms, e.g. milk means milk or melka. When to use which word is unfortunately not explained.

– Sometimes I’m not sure whether the vocabulary is correct. According to the homepage, “ham” means “skinken” but “eggs with ham” means “egg med skinke”. I was confused by the fact that one of the words has an “n” at the end and the other doesn’t, which is why I entered both into Google Translate and it said that “ham” means “skinke”. I can’t say whether this is correct or whether the Sprachenlernen24 page is correct.

– Unfortunately, the site is not yet fully developed. Some vocabulary where I thought to myself “I can’t even remember that I’ve already learned this word” was queried and shortly afterwards the information “You are now learning 7 new words” was displayed. On the other hand, sometimes the same vocabulary is asked several times in one day, although the first time it says that the next test is in a week’s time.

-I had also downloaded the app from the Appstore. However, the vocabulary was not read out to me in this app. However, as the app looked exactly the same as if I were learning directly from the homepage, this wasn’t a big problem for me. I simply uninstalled the app again and learned via the homepage.

Conclusion: Even though the text on the negative points is much longer than the text on the positive points, I would like to make it clear that I think the course is basically good. If you just want to expand your vocabulary, the course is a great offer, as you learn the vocabulary really quickly and easily. However, if you want to learn the language in order to hold conversations, the course is not entirely suitable in my opinion. I would buy a textbook or another course to learn the grammar and also use the Sprachenlernen24 course to learn lots of new words with the correct pronunciation in a short space of time.

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Test the Norwegian video language course from Sprachenlernen24 at no risk.
