Bergenstesten is essential, if you want to study in Norway. | Here we show you what you need to prepare for!
How to pass the Norwegian Bergenstesten – These tipps will get you through
The Bergen Test (norw. Bergentesten) is a Norwegian language test that certifies the Norwegian language level and is a prerequisite for studying or practising a profession in Norway (e.g. apprenticeships and professions in the medical field).
NOTE: The Bergen Test was replaced by the Norskprøve a few months ago. Take a look at our new guide page Mastering the Norskprøve.
Try this special online courses which is made to prepare and pass the Bergen-Test. Here you can learn more about this course.*
NOTE: The Bergen Test was replaced by the Norskprøve a few months ago. Take a look at our new guide page Mastering the Norskprøve.
The Bergen Test certifies a language level comparable to level B2/C1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The test is called “Bergenstest” because a large part of the content was developed at the university in Bergen. The Bergen test is currently offered four times a year in the larger cities of the country and costs the equivalent of around 250 to 300 euros.
Basically, the Bergen Test consists of five parts:
- Leseforståelse / Reading comprehension – You need to read a few pages of a text and then answer some questions about that text. Sometimes you only have to fill in a gap text to the read text.
- Presentation – The group is presented with an approximately four-minute conversation. Here you should take some notes, because you have to write a one-page summary of the conversation afterwards.
- Lytteforståelse / Listening comprehension – Again, conversations are played to you. These conversations are now somewhat shorter. Then questions about the conversations have to be answered. For example, what did the people do? What did they talk about? Who are the people?
- Grammatikk og Uttrykk / Grammar and expression – Sentences are given which either have to be changed or errors have to be detected and corrected.
- Skriftlige produksjon / Written task – Here the participant must write a two-sided essay on a given topic.
The test is not easy to pass. However, most participants pass the test on their first attempt. Good preparation is the key to success. Most Germans who take the mountain test want to study at a Norwegian university. Without a passed test, this is not possible. Therefore you unfortunately have no choice if you want to study in Norway.
Norwegian language courses such as the Norwegian online Course for beginners and advanced learners are recommended as preparation. Alternatively, participation in an adult education course or an online course is a good preparation for the upcoming test. Not sure what is you language level? Make the Norwegian Placement test.
Try this special online courses which is made to prepare and pass the Bergen-Test. Here you can learn more about this course.*
NOTE: The Bergen Test was replaced by the Norskprøve a few months ago. Take a look at our new guide page Mastering the Norskprøve.
To expand your vocabulary, we recommend that you read Norwegian newspapers (VG, Aftenposten, or Dagbladet). Norwegian radio and television will also help you learn for free Norwegian vocabulary from current topics.
Another insider tip is translation exercises. Find a text in your mother language text that you can translate into Norwegian without any help. Then you have Google translate or your Norwegian text back into German. Compare the texts now and you can see where you could have translated better and where your weak points are.
As a last tip we recommend to buy the old Bergenstests from the previous years. So you can test under real conditions whether you are sufficiently prepared.
Further links referring “How to pass the Bergenstest”:
- Online course to prepare for the Bergen Test* – Slik består du Bergenstesten (skriftlig del)
- – Up-to-date information on the current mountain tests, as well as data on test dates and Locations
- Norwegian online language courses
- Norwegian childrens language Course
- Norwegian Business Course