Numbers in the Norwegian language | How are they used?

The numbers in Norwegian are very similar to most other languages. This overview will help you understand! ✓

Numbers in Norwegian How are they used Learn Norwegian

Numbers, ordinal numbers and fractions, are needed almost every day. Nevertheless, the Norwegian translations do not always come to mind immediately.

We have arranged these important numbers thematically for you and published them on a learning picker, which we make available to you on this page. Print this page and put it under your desk pad or take it with your next journey to Norway.

The Numbers in the Norwegian language

In Norway, there is a special form of ordinal numbers called “talsystemet”. This system is mainly used in official documents and in mathematics. It differs from the traditional ordinal numbers by the use of multipliers and special word endings. For example, the number 21 is “en-og-tjue” instead of “tjueen”.

The ordinal numbers from 1 to 20 follow the talsystemet and from 21 the traditional system is used. There are also exceptions for ordinal numbers 11-15, which are called “elleve”, “tolv”, “tretten”, “fjorten” and “femten”.

0 null 19 nitten
1 en/ett 20 tjue/tyve
2 to 21 tjueen
3 tre 30 tretti/tredve
4 fire 40 førti
5 fem 50 femti
6 seks 60 seksti
7 sju/syv 70 sytti
8 åtte 80 åtti
9 ni 90 nitti
10 ti 100 hundre
11 elleve 101 hundreogen
12 tolv 200 tohundre
13 tretten 300 trehundre
14 fjorten 1.000 tusen
15 femten 2.000 totusen
16 seksten 10.000 titusen
17 sytten 100.000 hundretusen
18 atten 1.000.000 en Million

The ordial numbers

1. første 22. tjueandre
2. andre/annen 23. tjuetredje
3. tredje 24. tjuefjerde
4. fjerde 25. tjuefemte
5. femte 26. tjuesjette
6. sjette 27. tjuesjuende
7. sjuende/syvende 28. tjueåttende
8. åttende 29. tjueniende
9. niende 30. trettiende/tredevte
10. tiende 40. førtiende
11. ellevte 50. femtiende
12. tolvte 60. sekstiende
13. trettende 70. syttiende
14. fjortende 80. åttiende
15. femtende 90. nittiende
16. sekstende 100. hundrede
17. syttende 200. to hundrede
18. attende 1.000. tusende
19. nittende 2.000. to tusende
20. tjuende/tyvende 10.000. ti tusende
21. tjueførste  


In Norway, fractions are represented similarly to other countries by using a numerator and a denominator. A fraction is usually separated by a slash, e.g. 3/4 (three quarters).

Norwegian has some special expressions for fractions that are used frequently. Some examples are:

Halv (half) for 1/2
Tredjedel (one third) for 1/3
Fjerdedel (a quarter) for 1/4
Femtedel (one fifth) for 1/5
Sjette (one sixth) for 1/6
There are also special expressions for fractions that consist of more than one part, e.g. “en og en halv” (one and a half) for 1 1/2.

It is important to note that Norwegian expressions for fractions are usually used only for those smaller than one. For fractions greater than one, the traditional numerators and denominators are usually used.

1/2 en halv 1/4 en fjerdedel
1/3 en tredjedel 1/8 en åttedel
1/10 en tidel 1/100 en hundredel